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Machine Learning - Linear Regression with Multiple Variables

Machine Learning - Linear Regression with Multiple Variables

Multiple Features

  1. When more than one feature affects the output

  2. In the example of estimating house price, size, # of bedrooms, # of floors may affect the price

  3. features are denoted with x1, x2

    • n = # of features
    • x(i) = input of ith training example : vector
    • xj(i) = value of feature j in ith training example : the value
  4. Since there are more than one features, the hypothesis is going to get longer in order to include more terms/features

    • theta represents parameter: I think this is like weight
    • x0 is assumed to be 1
    • x and theta are both (n+1) dimensional vectors
    • hθ(x) = θTx

Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables

  • Pretty much the same as single variable, but you gotta multiply xj(i) for each theta

Feature Scaling

  1. Making features on a similar scale

    • if the ranges are different between features, the contour plot could be skewed
    • divide the features by the largest possible value to make the contour plot to look like a circle as much as possible
    • because all the features lay within -1 to 1 range
  2. Mean Normalization

    • subtract the feature by the mean of the values and divide that by the largest value
    • xi = (xi - μi) / largest value
    • you could also divide the numerator by the difference between the smallest and the largest

Learning Rate

  1. Tips to ensure learning rate is working correctly

    • make sure that the cost function is decreasing as you iterate
    • J(θ) must decrease after every iteration
    • declare convergence if J(θ) decreases by less than 10-3 in one iteration
  2. Use smaller learning rate if not converging

    • a too large learning rate may overshoot and it may diverge instead of converging
    • a sufficiently small learning rate is the best
    • but if it is too small, it will take too long to converge

Features and Polynomial Regression

  1. combine two features like frontage and depth and multiply them to be an area
    • define a new feature by combining them to reduce the number of parameters/features
    • your cost function may become simpler

Normal Equation

  1. Method to solve for θ analytically instead of doing iterations

    • polynomial of θ, and take a derivative with respect to θ
    • take partial derivatives with respect to θ and set them to zero to find the θi
  2. θ = (XTX)-1XTy

  3. Slow if n is really large becuase you need to take inverse of the matrix X

  4. won’t work if (XTX) is not inversible

    • you have to delete some features or use regularization

Oct 29, 2020

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer