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JWT Token Returned upon Login

JWT is a token that a server hands out to a user so that a user and server just exchanges the token instead of logging in every time you switch a page. After sending a JWT token to a user, you use a login decorator to check if he or she has an authentication to access a webpage.

Apparently, there’s a JWT directly associated with django, but I used PyJWT instead.

so first install pyjwt pip install pyjwt

This is the how you encode using JWT: encoded_jwt = jwt.encode({'some': 'payload'}, 'secret', algorithm='HS256')

  1. payload is some information that you want to send
  2. secret is a key that you use when you encode
  3. algorithm is how you want to encode your token

So simple. It is so easy to encode, but I faced so many errors while implementing this. But the most important thing is that you have to decode your JWT token before sending it to a user.

My first code was something like this:

if bcrypt.checkpw(login_password.encode("utf-8"), registered_password.encode("utf-8")):
    payload = {
        "iss": "team_babKKUNG",

    key = db_settings.LUNCHBUDDYDATABASES["jwt"]["KEY"]
    algorithm = 'HS256'

    jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm)
    return JsonResponse({"token": jwt_token})

And below is the error that I got: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable, which is very straight forward. you have to decode it like this in order to avoid the error and successfully.

if bcrypt.checkpw(login_password.encode("utf-8"), registered_password.encode("utf-8")):
    payload = {
        "iss": "team_babKKUNG",

    key = db_settings.LUNCHBUDDYDATABASES["jwt"]["KEY"]
    algorithm = 'HS256'

    jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm)

    return JsonResponse({"token": jwt_token.decode("utf-8")})

Jul 5, 2019

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer