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Request to Server using MobX

State like login must be handled globally since your login information should be accessible in every single page that requires permissions. So when you send a request to a server for login, you have to do it globally. MobX is the way to go.

I have already posted about how to set up your React Native project using MobX. And this post is about how you send a request.

First, you have to create a Store which changes a state and detects such changes.

import { observable, action, runInAction } from "mobx";
import { LoginManager, AccessToken } from 'react-native-fbsdk';
import { API_URL } from "../../config";
import axios from "axios";

class UserStore {
    @observable user = [];
    @observable facebookLoginStatus = "";
    @observable state = "pending"

    const store = new UserStore();
    export default store;

observable in MobX is data of which change could be observable. When Facebook login is successful, his or her user information is going to be stored in @observable user

And you implement the Facebook login by using the code provided by Facebook Github. I used a custom button, so my code is like below.

    facebookLogin() {
            action ((result) => {
              if (result.isCancelled) {
                console.log("Login cancelled");
              } else {
                   action ((data) => {
                    this.facebookToken = data.accessToken;
                    const headers = {
                            "Content-Type": "application/json",
                            "Accept": "application/json"
                    const body = JSON.stringify(this.facebookToken)

          `${API_URL}account/facebooklogin`, body, { headers }). then(
                        action ((response) => {
                        if ( === 0) {
                            this.state = "done";
                            this.user =;
                        } else {
                            this.state= "done";
                            this.user =;
                  "Login success with permissions: " +
            action ((error) => {
              console.log("Login fail with error: " + error);


action is anything that can modify a state. Since I am going to change the state called user, I am calling this request an action. I used async/await like above since the instruction was very clear in the MobX website.

And when you send a request to a server using a token from Facebook, your server will return the access token from your server, which you have to store in your storage.

One thing React Native is different from React is that you have to store the token by using async-storage library. I will talk about this in the next post

Published Aug 3, 2019

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer