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React - Using Set as a State

I got an interview question, which asked me to create a shopping cart where a user can add or remove an item. And when an item is added to a cart, I was supposed to put a checkmark to the item.

I first tried to implement this by using a Boolean state like below.

consturctor() {

    this.state = {
        addedToCart: false

However, when I did this, every single item got a checkmark, so I decided to use an array and add an index of the item to the array when an item is added to the cart, and put a checkmark to the items of which index exists in the array like below.

consturctor() {

    this.state = {
        addedToCart: []

But I realized that the values in the array could not be repeated. There is no repeated item in the list of items. so I decided to use a set instead of an array for efficiency.

You can use a set when…

  1. there is no duplicate in your data—or when you try to remove duplicates
  2. a fast look-up is required.
  3. the order of data does not matter.

I thought my case suits all three. There were only 12 items, so maybe a fast look-up was not required, but it was an interview question, so I kinda wanted to show off that I know my stuff. And this is how I did it;

constructor() {

    this.state = {
      productInCart: new Set(),

I set a set as a state like above, and updated, or setState likd below;

handleProductClick = (idx) => {
  if (!this.state.productInCart.has(idx)) {
  } else {

addToCart = (idx) => {
  this.setState(({ productInCart }) => ({
    productInCart: new Set(productInCart).add(idx),

removeFromCart = (idx) => {
  const updateCart = new Set(this.state.productInCart);
    productInCart: updateCart,

When you add an item to a set, you can just add it directly to the current state. However, when you remove an item from a set, you have to declare a separate variable like you would do with an array like const tempArray = this.state.array.slice(), and then delete an item from the set and this.setState in order to update.

Jul 16, 2019

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer