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WebRTC[03] - Mediasoup Flow Explained

###Mediasoup is an SFU(Selective Forwarding Unit) which receives audio and video streams from endpoints and relays them to everyone else

  1. Device Loading

    • retrieve the rtpCapabilities of a router from the server and uses the information to load device
  2. Create WebRTCTransport

    • create a sendTransport and a localTransport
    • transports must be created both in the client-side and the server-side
  3. Connect WebRTCTransport

    • this is done by calling sendTransport.produce() or recvTransport.consume() in the client side.
    • you have to connect the transport created in the server-side with the dtlsParameter of the device used to make a WebRTC connection.
  4. Produce

    • When you call sendTransport.produce() in the client-side, sendTransport.on("connect") event is fired.
    • If the connection is successful, sendTransport.on("produce") event is fired, which creates a producer in the server-side.
  5. Consume

    • When there is a new producer, participants must consume the other’s producer.
    • Create a consumer in the server-side first, and then use to let the client-side know that there is a new consumer created in the server-side
    • The client-side then creates a consumer using the information from the server-side
  6. General

    • When you build a WebRTC connection using mediasoup, transports, producer, and consumer must be created both in the client-side and the server-side. And the client-side and the server-side must create the three components using the same information.

Aug 21, 2019

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer