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WebRTC Flow[01] - createOffer() and createAnswer()

##This post is about using WebRTC in React Native.

make sure to install react-native-webrtc versions 1.75 or above
npm install --save react-native-webrtc

And then you have to import.
import { RTCPeerConnection } from 'react-native-webrtc'

Now create a caller

const caller = new RTCPeerConnection()

Now the caller has to createOffer() with offerOptions. offerOptions represent which source of data you are going to offer: either audio or video, or could be both.

const offerOptions = {
  offerToReceiveAudio: 1,
  offerToReceiveVideo: 0,
  voiceActivityDetection: true,

Using the created offer, the caller must set his/her localDescription

  .then(async (desc) => {
    await caller.setLocalDescription(desc);

Then the caller sends this localDescription to a callee, which is another RTCPeerConnection.
const callee = new RTCPeerConnection()

Then the callee uses the localDescription from the caller to set the callee’s remoteDescription. After setting the remoteDescription, the callee now createAnswer() and uses the answer to set the callee’s localDescription.

The callee then sends the localDescription to the caller so that the caller can use the callee’s localDescription to set the caller’s remoteDescription

  .then(() => {
    return callee.createAnswer()
      .then(async (desc) => {
        await callee.setLocalDescription(desc)

The caller receives the callee’s localDescription and uses the localDescription to set the caller’s remoteDescription


Then the caller and callee needs to change their Interactive Connectivity Establishment(ICE) information in order to build connection. It is managed using an eventhandler, which I will talk about in a later post.

Aug 17, 2019

AI Enthusiast and a Software Engineer